Bilans d’évènement

Cyber security conference and General Assembly

On May 23, The Chamber of Commerce held a cyber security conference and its annual General Assembly.

Cyber security

As our society becomes more and more digitalized, cyber security is increasingly important and has become a major challenge for many companies. Denmark is a leading nation within digitalization, and luckily, we have highly specialized experts within the field.

Thursday 23 May, three of these experts presented their views on cyber security and their recommendations. Around 60 guests participated in our conference, that was hosted by Njord Law Firm. After the presentation, all participants could enjoy French pastry with Les Canelés Dejean, a glass of wine sponsored by Les Grands Chais de France, and the beautiful view from Njord’s rooftop terrace.

Three experts: Nils Peter Dall, Daniel Bachman, and Anders Greve

The first speaker was Nis Peter Dall, attorney and partner at Njord Law Firm, who is specialized in privacy-law, IT-law, and health data-law. Nils Peter Dall has an extensive experience in assisting private companies in ensuring and documenting compliance with The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

On May 25, the GDPR celebrated its one-year birthday. Many companies have struggled to meet the new legal requirements. One thing is to prepare a company to the new requirements, another thing is to implement the new procedures in the daily business life.  

Nils stressed the fact that all companies – small as well as large corporations, both the public and private sector – are obliged to make risk analyses and to be in total compliance with the GDPR. Furthermore, Nis Peter Dall emphasized that companies must be able to document their security initiatives and precautions, in case of a data leak and for the purpose of determination of guilt. If personal data is leaked, all concerned persons are entitle to compensation, and a leak can potentially involve hundreds of thousands of persons.   

The second speaker was Daniel Bachmann, serial entrepreneur, CEO at IIOTD, and founding partner at IoT Denmark. Daniel Bachmann has been a pioneer in building the Sigfox IoT network in Denmark. In his presentation, Daniel explained how this special IoT (Internet of Things, a network customized to connect and manage physical devices, red.) is extremely power saving, which is a big advantage when using remote-controlling devices, for instance air-conditioning systems. Daniel Bachmann emphasized that it is crucial to ensure that we are always connected to and have control over our remote devices, as for example in the health care sector. Daniel Bachmann also stressed that old devices, that has not undergone security updates constitute a serious risk. Cyber-attacks do usually not happen ‘overnight’ and therefore it is possible to detect an attack in progress, if we can identify the irregularities. Daniel explained that the IoT and Sigfox network enhance our possibilities of detecting such irregularities before the attack has been completed.

Our third speaker was Anders Greve, who is Head of Big Data and Cyber Security at Atos Scandinavia, Baltics, Poland and Russia. Atos is a leader within digital transformation and cyber security. Anders Greve shared his expertise on cyber security within the healthcare sector, a crucial but also vulnerable sector. With the demographic development and an aging population, the Health Care sector is growing fast and so are the use of IoT devices and AI – and the derived security challenges. To handle these challenges, Atos has developed a risk analysis model, that considers all connected devices as an IoT ecosystem. After mapping IoT environment and analyzing vulnerabilities and Threats, Atos customizes a security system and procedures.

Anders Greve gave us an example of how Atos has worked with Authentication and signature management for Health. In this case, the solution was a Wearable authentication manager in a wrist band. With this solution, health care professionals could connect with devices while for instance performing surgery, and no passwords had to be memorized.

General Assembly

Before the cyber security conference, the Chamber held its annual ordinary General Assembly. A few members participated in the Assembly, which was facilitated by Kim Meurs-Gerken. Anders Torbøl presented the annual report, and the budget for 2019 and the membership fee quota rate was approved. The direction warmly thanked managing director Samuel Vaillant-Jørgensen for his efforts the previous years. The direction particularly thanked Christel Décatoire, who has worked for the Chamber since September 2018, for her efforts and very valuable contributions. Christel will move back to France this summer, but she will continue to carry out some tasks for the Chamber.

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