Nouveaux membres

New Company member - Pharmatjek Nordic

We are really proud to announce that Pharmatjek Nordic has decided to join our network by becoming company member of the Chamber. You can learn more about Pharmatjek Nordic below.

Pharmaceutical and OTC consulting agency
Pharmatjek Nordic is specialized in advising companies how to get access to the market and how to launch their products in Denmark within the pharma-, health food supplement- and cosmetic industry.
We are a highly skilled team with decades of experience in how to manage between legislation and what is actually possible. The culture plays a significant role in how to penetrate the market in different countries and Denmark is no exception.
With our local knowledge we can help you get an overview and help you decide if you are ready to enter the Danish market, based on difficulties and investments required by the market players.

If you decide to go further and enter the Danish market, we also have the expertise to help you. See our services below.

Before you enter the market

Sales channels- overview, how to enter:
• Pharmacies: The construction of the Danish pharmacies is totally different from the other Nordic countries, and it takes a lot of local knowledge to get your products on the shelves.
• Other distribution canals: Matas, health food stores, retail online platforms
• Medical wholesalers
• Consultants: How many do you need, what costs should you expect and what kind of consultants do you need for your products.
• Competitor analysis: Who are your competitors. Prices, products, treatment areas, sale channels
• Analysis of own products: Pricing structure, which products for which channels, assortment assessment

After you decide entering the market

Marketing plan:
• Marketing: What is possible within the law. What make your products visible, gets the consumers attention and strengthens your position. We can help you with brand awareness, digital marketing, SoMe, campaign management or what fits your needs.
• Consultants: We can help you find the right ones for your needs.
• Events: What to choose between all the different conferences, congresses etc. Where do you get value for your money.
• Cooperation with health professionals: What is possible in Denmark within the law and what is accepted by the doctors and other health professionals in Denmark. How do you get their attention. We have broad experience in networking with doctors.
• Investments: Potential requirements and expected expenses for marketing and sales channels.
• Reimbursement: The benefits of having a product reimbursed. How to get your product reimbursed. Various kinds of reimbursement in Denmark.

If you want to learn more about Pharmatjek Nordic, please visit their website by clicking here. 

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