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French Newcomers Day 2024

For the 11th year in a row the Chamber of Commerce organized a Newcomers' Day to welcome new French expatriates to Denmark.

Nearly 120 people registered for the event, which took place again this year at the French Embassy. Thank you very much to the Ambassador and his team for their warm welcome.

Once again this year, we were impressed by the number and diversity of people who had recently arrived in the country: VIEs, students, expatriate families, entrepreneurs, retirees... the Franco-Danish network grows richer every year.

We began the morning at the Embassy, where the Ambassador welcomed our guests. Then each association, institution and organization presented its activities.

You'll find the list below:
- Lycée français https://lfph.dk/ 
- Consulat https://dk.ambafrance.org/ 
- Conseillers des Français de l’Étranger https://dk.ambafrance.org/Vos-representants-au-Danemark-les-conseillers-des-Francais-de-l-etranger 
- Copenhague Accueil https://www.copenhagueaccueil.org/ 
- Français du Monde  - ADFE http://adfe.dk/ 
- Paroisse francophone de Copenhague : https://www.facebook.com/paroissefrancophonedecopenhague/ 
- Eglise Réformée Française de Copenhague  https://www.facebook.com/CulteProtestantenfrancais/ 
- Radio Escapade https://www.facebook.com/RadioEscapade/ 
- Ecole Franco-Danoise : https://www.ecolefrancodanoise.dk/ 
- Association des Entrepreneurs et Professionnels Indépendant Français au Danemark https://aepifd.dk/ 
- L’Institut Français : https://institutfrancais.dk/fr
- Business France : https://world.businessfrance.fr/nordic/business-france-danemark/ 

The group then gathered in Kongens Have, where everyone had a chance to introduce themselves and develop their network.

Again in glorious sunshine, the group then took a guided boat tour of the city.

We hope that this wonderful day will help new arrivals to establish themselves more easily and quickly in their new country.

You'll find a few photos of the day below.

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Hôtel d'Angleterre  •  Copenhagen

Job Fair 2025

We are pleased to invite you to our second job fair on the 7th of April at l’Hotel d'Angleterre.


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