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Human Resources committee at the French Embassy

On the 14th of September, the HR committee met at the French embassy.

The Human Resources Committee was launched in 2016 and gathers HR managers from French groups located in Denmark. As secretary of the Committee, the Danish-French Chamber of Commerce organises 3-4 meetings each year, whose purpose is to enable HR managers to develop their network, to exchange ideas among peers and enhance their professional practice. Intercultural management issues is one of the key topics addressed in the committee.

At this meeting, we were pleased to welcome among others the HR managers from Alstom Transport, Krüger, Amminex, L’Oréal, Sephora, Simone Pérèle, Total, Lycée Prins Henrik.

The main objective of this specific meeting was a discussion with the French ambassador, Caroline Ferrari, a former HR manager, revolving around the participants’ expectations for the coming HR committees.

Caroline Ferrari shared her experience as an HR manager at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the challenges the faced there. She also described the staff situation at the French Embassy. Then, she opened a discussion with participants about the work-life balance at Danish-French workplaces and about the young generation management.

HR managers brought very interesting contributions to the debate. Since young generation management is a relevant topic for all participants, it was decided that it will be discussed further at the human resources event, that the Chamber and Business France suggested organising in November at the French Embassy. 

Business France was also part of the meeting and presented briefly the VIE – the young talent programme – to the committee.

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Hôtel d'Angleterre  •  Copenhagen

Job Fair 2025

We are pleased to invite you to our second job fair on the 7th of April at l’Hotel d'Angleterre.


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